We create education grounded in quality improvement and best practices for adult learning.

Alcohol Use: Screening, Determining Risk, and Evidence-Based Treatment

Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) Screening & Interventions 

Despite the high prevalence of high-risk drinking, alcohol use disorder (AUD), and alcohol-related harms in British Columbia (BC), these conditions often go unrecognized and untreated in our health system. 

Research has shown that primary care providers can play a key role in shared decision-making about any alcohol consumption, the early detection and treatment of high-risk drinking and AUD, and in connecting people and families with specialized care services and recovery-oriented supports in their communities.  

To address the need for a better understanding of recent recommendations of alcohol use, UBC CPD has partnered with the BC Ministry of Health to create education for health professionals to implement evidence-based prevention, harm reduction and treatment interventions for high-risk drinking and AUD in their scope of practice. Learn more about the eLearning course.

Engaging stakeholders and patients 

In consultation with physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses and health professionals involved in the care of individuals affected by high-risk drinking and AUD, UBC CPD has conducted a needs assessment. We believe the inclusion of patient voices in the planning, development and implementation of continuing professional development provides unique perspectives and advances patient- and family-centred care.  

Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) Education  

UBC CPD will launch online educational resources and learning activities in Fall 2024.

Sign up to be notified for the eLearning course. 

Additional resources

UBC CPD provides additional education on AUD through a webinar on Managing Alcohol Use Disorder in BC: New Guidelines, Challenges & Clinical Pearls and a This Changed My Practice (TCMP) article on New guidance on alcohol and health from the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction. 

Our Partner 

The BC Ministry of Health oversees the provincial health-care system. They have an overall responsibility for ensuring that quality, appropriate, cost effective and timely health services are available for all British Columbians. 


BC Ministry of Health
Solutions Included