Practice Ready Assessment - British Columbia (PRA-BC)

Practice Ready Assessment - British Columbia (PRA-BC) Overview

The Practice Ready Assessment (PRA-BC) program provides qualified international medical graduates (IMGs) with a pathway to licensure in BC through a comprehensive orientation and assessment process. 

UBC CPD supports the PRA-BC program by coordinating and delivering comprehensive educational programs for two groups: Candidates and Assessors.

For more information about the PRA-BC licensure pathway, and to learn about program eligibility requirements, please visit the PRA-BC website.

PRA-BC Candidates

At UBC CPD, we coordinate at deliver a multi-day Centralized Orientation for new-to-BC family physicians already enrolled in the Practice Ready Assessment BC (PRA-BC) Program.

The Centralized Orientation is focused on providing a comprehensive overview of the Canadian medical system and culture. We prepare PRA-BC candidates for the 12-week Clinical Field Assessment (CFA) component of the program.

PRA-BC Assessors

We coordinate and deliver a two-day Assessor Training Workshop to orient and support physicians who serve as assessors of PRA-BC candidates in the 12-week Clinical Field Assessment (CFA).

During these two days, we provide information, resources and support necessary to make the CFA period less stressful and more rewarding.


The PRA-BC program is a collaborative venture between the College of Physicians & Surgeons of British Columbia, Doctors of BC Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues, the Government of British Columbia, and UBC in partnership with BC’s health authorities and Health Match BC.


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