

Prepare and Apply

Accreditation Requirements

Below you will find all of the accreditation requirements, from preparing an eligible program to completing the application package. Preparation should begin at least 3 months in advance. Plan to apply at least 6–8 weeks prior to start date as credits cannot be advertised prior to approval. Refer to the Overview page for important information on eligibility, processing times, application fees and credit types.

Read Documentation

CHECKLIST for a complete application:

See more detailed descriptions further below under Planning Phases.

Application Form  
 Apply Online Note: The fillable PDF application form has been discontinued. Please use the online application form.
Signature Documents to submit 
 Disclosure Forms Include disclosures of all SPC members with application. Use either version:
-Disclosure form (fillable PDF) 
If your Adobe version does not have a Portfolio function to combine signed docs, please forward the individual disclosures via email to cpd.accreditation(at)ubc.ca. Remind users to save to their computer BEFORE completing a fillable PDF. 
-Online disclosure form (link) 
A copy of responses will be emailed to the individual user as well as to your SPC Chair for review (you will need to provide users with an email contact for your SPC chair).
 Declaration FormsA few SPC members are required to take on a formal role(s) defined by credit type and formalized via declaration. There are 2-4 possible roles - a qualifying physician may take on more than one:
-Accountable physician required for all credit types
-RCSPC physician for MOC credits
-CFPC physician and UBC FoM physician (same form) for Mainpro+ 
Remind users to save to their computer BEFORE completing a fillable PDF. 
Program Materials to submit 
 Needs Assessment ToolsEg. previous evaluation summary, survey results, etc. Needs Assessment (sample)
 BudgetIdentify projected revenues/funding from all sources, and general expenses. If internally funded, state org/dept name. Indicate how any surplus or deficit will be handled. See Budget (sample)
 Program AgendaDetailed program agenda with start and end times and breaks is needed for accurate credit count. Include learner-centred objectives, brochure, invitation email, links to website, registration. Agenda (sample)
 Speaker CommunicationsA copy of the instructions to speakers regarding accreditation standards for which they are responsible in their presentations. 
Speaker Comms (sample)
 Evaluation FormProgram evaluation (sample) 
Speaker evaluation (optional)
 CertificateCertificate (sample)
 Reflective Tool**Option for assessment credits 
Reflective Tool (sample) 
 Sponsorship Agreement**Required only for programs seeking commercial sponsorship
Sponsorship Agreement (sample)
Sponsorship Prospectus/Invite (sample)


Apply Here

Apply once your program has been developed and before you begin advertising.

Payment of application fee is due at the time of application.

View the online application form by clicking Apply Online. The application can be bookmarked and shared once you click on "Save Progress", which generates a unique URL and initiates auto-save. Program materials and signed documents and can be uploaded. Once complete, click 'Submit" to be directed to the payment page.

Apply Online 

Planning  Phases

Submitting an application is only part of accreditation. You must ensure your program is planned according to accreditation standards.

All accredited CPD activities must adhere to the ethical, educational, and administrative standards throughout the entire program development process, from beginning to end. These standards are embedded into each of the program planning phases, outlined below:

Preparation Phase

Physician Organization

Only a physician organization may seek accreditation.

Every CPD activity must be clearly developed by a physician organization. The physician organization is accountable for the CPD activity in all aspects, including finances. The physician organization must make all decisions regarding the receipt and disbursement of all funds in line with the UBC CPD Ethical Standards. 

A physician organization is a not-for-profit group of health professionals with a formal governance structure, accountable to and serving, among others, its physician members through continuing professional development, provision of healthcare and/or research.

To be eligible for accreditation of CPD programs, a physician organization must exist for at least one year.

Physician organization membership extends beyond receiving a newsletter; it must meet the following membership criteria:  

  1. Membership is comprised of physicians.
  2. Membership is not solely comprised of the Board of Directors.
  3. Defined criteria exists on who is eligible to be a member.
  4. Defined expectations of members are listed (eg. payment of dues, etc.).
  5. Membership includes the right to vote on strategic directions and initiatives of the organization as a whole.

The definition of physician organization includes the following:

  • Faculties of medicine
  • Hospital departments or divisions
  • Medical societies
  • Medical associations
  • Medical academies
  • Physician research organizations
  • Physician clinics
  • Health authority hospital department or medical advisory committee (HAMAC)
  • Canadian provincial medical regulatory authorities (MRAs)

Please note: Organizations who have not applied before may need to provide supporting documentation , (e.g. Terms of Reference, constitution, meeting minutes, constitution, governance policies, etc ) demonstrating the organization meets the required criteria. This may increase application processing time beyond the typical 4-6 weeks.  

This definition does NOT include:

  • Healthcare/pharmaceutical industry commercial interests (HPIs)
  • Health authority administration offices
  • Disease-oriented patient advocacy organizations (e.g. Canadian Diabetes Association)
  • Government departments or agencies (e.g. Health Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada)
  • Small number of physicians working together to develop educational programming

Co-development is the process by which two or more not-for-profit organizations — at least one of which must be the physician organization — prospectively collaborate to develop content. Although some responsibilities may be delegated to the co-developing organization, the physician organization must assume control over all aspects as if they were planning the event independently.

Co-development may or may not include financial support; but for-profit organizations cannot be co-developers.

Scientific Planning Committee (SPC)

Every CPD activity must have a scientific planning committee (SPC), accountable to and overseen by a fiscally responsible physician organization. The SPC is responsible for protecting the CPD learning environment and program content/quality. The SPC must follow the UBC CPD Ethical Standards for all aspects of the CPD activity and ensure that the CPD activity is not used to promote or sell products or services that serve any form of professional or financial interests, including their own.

The SPC must (i) include at least two physicians and (ii) be representative of the target audience. Members must be aware of their responsibilities pertaining to accreditation/certification standards. The SPC must have a chair and an agreed decision-making process to enable it to fulfill its responsibilities.

Disclosures (from each SPC member) and declarations (for specific SPC member roles) need to be signed and submitted with application.  See below.

Responsibilities of SPC

  • Uphold the UBC CPD Ethical Standards for all aspects of the CPD activity
  • Identify the educational needs of the intended target audience
  • Develop learning objectives
  • Select educational methods
  • Select SPC members, speakers, moderators, facilitators and/or authors
  • Develop and deliver content
  • Evaluate outcomes
  • Oversee logistics
  • Review disclosures and mitigate conflicts of interest
  • Ensure commercial sponsorship support and programming comply with standards
  • Declarations
  • Disclosures
  • Informing others of accreditation standards (speaker letter)

NOTE: Representatives of a healthcare/pharmaceutical industry commercial interest (HPI; see UBC CPD Ethical Standards , Element 3 for definition) cannot be members of the SPC or participate in decisions related to any aspect of the CPD activity.


Consult CHECKLIST & Forms to access the appropriate Declaration Forms.

Declarations are required by select SPC members who qualify to take on a formal role for the credit type. A qualifying physician may have more than one SPC role (eg. one could serve as accountable physician and RCSPC member).

Accountable Physician

Required for all programs. The accountable physician is the chair or one member of the SPC representing the physician organization, and as such agrees to assume ultimate responsibility for upholding the accreditation/certification standards and for following the UBC CPD Guidelines for Support in preparing and implementing the CPD activity. 

RCPSC Member

Required for MOC credits. One physician member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) is required to be on the SPC to represent the target audience of specialists. The declaration verifies the RCPSC member of having had substantial input into the program.

UBC FoM Member

Required for Mainpro+ credits. UBC CPD can only certify UBC Activities for Mainpro+ credits. A physician member of the UBC Faculty of Medicine (UBC FoM) is required to be on the SPC to represent UBC FoM.  The declaration verifies the UBC FoM member of having had substantial input into the program, which is the minimum requirement for a program to be considered a UBC Activity. 

CFPC Member

Required for Mainpro+ credits. One physician member of the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC), residing in the province of BC, is required to be on the SPC to represent the target audience of BC family physicians.


A conflict of interest (COI) occurs when external interests interfere or appear to interfere with the primary interest - in this case an accredited CPD activity. The global best practice in CPD is for all individuals involved in developing accredited CPD activities to be transparent about their financial relationships through a disclosure process, outlined below.

Disclosure Review Process

  1. Collect SPC members' disclosures and include with your accreditation application.
  2. Collect content contributors' disclosures (presenters, authors, instructional designers, facilitators, moderators, etc.) for your SPC to review. These do not need to be submitted to UBC CPD.
  3. Communicate disclosures to learners. Once the review concludes that there are no COIs, ensure the remaining relevant financial relationships are disclosed to participants for transparency. See Disclosure-Summary.

COI Management 

The SPC members are responsible to review each others' disclosures and the disclosures of all content contributors to eliminate unresolvable financial relationships and mitigate relevant financial relationships. A step-by-step review process is available in the UBC CPD Ethical Standards, Element 3.0

Disclosure Form

See the CHECKLIST & Forms for the disclosure form.


Define Target Audience

For CPD activities to be eligible for accreditation, the PRIMARY target audience must be physicians (specialists, family physicians, or both). Aside from governing the program design and content, identifying the target audience determines which type of credits will be most appropriate. You can look up individual physicians in the provincial regulatory college directory (or either national medical college) to verify what kind of medicine they are certified to practice in BC: https://www.cpsbc.ca/public/registrant-directory 

RCPSC Specialists
(MOC credits)
CFPC Family Physicians
(Mainpro+ credits)
Acute Care Point of Care Ultrasonography (POCUS)
Addiction Medicine
Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Oncology
Adolescent Medicine
Adult Cardiac Electrophysiology
Adult Echocardiography
Adult Hepatology
Adult Interventional Cardiology
Adult Thrombosis Medicine
Advanced Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplantation
Aerospace Medicine
Anatomical Pathology
Cardiac Surgery
Cardiology (adult or pediatrics)
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Child Maltreatment Pediatrics
Clinical Immunology & Allergy (adult or pediatrics)
Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology
Clinician Educator
Clinician Investigator Program
Colorectal Surgery
Critical Care Medicine (adult or pediatrics)
Developmental Pediatrics
Diagnostic Radiology
Emergency Medical Services
Emergency Medicine
Endocrinology & Metabolism (adult or pediatrics)
Forensic Pathology
Forensic Psychiatry
Gastroenterology (adult or pediatrics)
General Internal Medicine
General Pathology
General Surgery
General Surgical Oncology
Geriatric Medicine
Geriatric Psychiatry
Gynecologic Oncology
Gynecologic Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility
Hematological Pathology
Hyperbaric Medicine
Infectious Diseases (adult or pediatrics)
Internal Medicine
Interventional Radiology
Maternal Fetal Medicine
Medical Biochemistry
Medical Genetics and Genomics
Medical Microbiology
Medical Oncology
Neonatal Perinatal Medicine
Nephrology (adult or pediatrics)
Neurology (adult or pediatrics)
Nuclear Medicine
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Occupational Medicine
Orthopedic Surgery
Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Pain Medicine
Palliative Medicine
Patient Safety and Quality Improvement
Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
Pediatric Radiology
Pediatric Surgery
Pediatric Urology
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Plastic Surgery
Public Health and Preventive Medicine
Radiation Oncology
Respirology (adult or pediatrics)
Rheumatology (adult or pediatrics)
Sleep Disorder Medicine
Solid Organ Transplantation
Sport and Exercise Medicine
Surgical Foundations
Thoracic Surgery
Transfusion Medicine
Trauma General Surgery
Vascular Surgery
Other/General Practice/Health Care Professional
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
Canadian Medical Protective Association

Aboriginal health
Academic medicine
Addiction medicine
Adolescent medicine
Aesthetic Medicine
Allied health professionals
Alternative/complementary medicine
Anesthesia and analgesia
Art and medicine
Basic sciences
Behavioural science
Cancer care
Cardiovascular medicine
Cardiovascular surgery
Child Abuse
Chiropractic medicine
Chronic disease management
Clinical practice guidelines
Community medicine
Cosmetic medicine
Critical care
Dentistry/oral medicine
Domestic Violence
Emergency medicine
Environmental medicine
Faculty Development
Forensic medicine
General surgery
Geriatric medicine/care of the elderly
Global health
Health economics
Health policy
Hospitalist care
Imaging techniques
Infectious disease
International medicine
Laboratory medicine
Medical careers
Medical education
Medical informatics
Medical students and residents
Men’s health
Mental health
Molecular medicine
Nuclear medicine
Nutrition and metabolism
Occupation/industrial medicine
Orthopedic surgery
Pain management
Palliative care
Practice improvement
Practice management
Preventive medicine
Prison medicine
Public health
Quality improvement
Radiation therapy
Rehabilitation medicine
Research methods
Respiratory medicine
Rural medicine
Sexual health and medicine
Sports and exercise medicine
Thoracic surgery
Transplant medicine
Travel medicine
Tropical medicine
Vascular surgery
Women’s health



Conduct Needs Assessment

Needs assessment is the process involved in gathering information to identify the learning needs of the target audience. The learning needs are the basis for identifying appropriate learning objectives and the content and format of the educational activity. To identify the learning gap the SPC should describe the target audience, work environment or work activities, and demonstrate a valid professional practice gap from which the educational needs are identified. Identify preferred learning style and current knowledge or skill level, then determine desired knowledge or skill level.

The most useful needs assessments are those where multiple methods are utilized to identify educational needs linked to improved patient care. 

To help identify needs, the SPC should ask the following questions:

  • How common is the need among our target audience?
  • How many different assessment sources indicate this need?
  • How significantly will the unfulfilled learning need hinder health care delivery?
  • How directly is the need related to actual physician performance?
  • How likely is it that a CPD activity will improve practice behaviour?
  • Are sufficient resources available to effectively address this topic?
  • How receptive will our target audience be to a session on this topic?

NOTE: Since the release of the National Standard released in Jan 2018, needs assessment tools are required to be submitted with an application (examples include past evaluations, focus group questionnaires etc.).

See the CHECKLIST & Forms for a sample needs assessment.


Address CanMEDS Roles

To be eligible for accreditation, a program must address at least one of the seven roles by tying them to the learning objectives.

The CanMEDS and CanMEDS-FM competencies are frameworks developed by the Canadian medical colleges. They identify and describe the abilities physicians and surgeons require to effectively meet the health-care needs of the people they serve. These abilities are grouped thematically under the seven roles of a physician. 

Medical Expert/ ExpertFMMedical ExpertiseAs Experts, physicians integrate all of the roles, applying medical knowledge, clinical skills, and professional attitudes in their provision of patient-centered care. Central physician role in framework.
CommunicatorCommunicating with PatientsAs Communicators, physicians effectively facilitate the doctor-patient relationship and the dynamic exchanges that occur before, during, and after the medical encounter.
CollaboratorCollaborating with ColleaguesAs Collaborators, physicians effectively work within a healthcare team to achieve optimal patient care.
Leader/ManagerFMCoordinating Team CareAs Managers, physicians are integral participants in healthcare organizations, organizing sustainable practices, making decisions about allocating resources, and contributing to the effectiveness of the healthcare system.
Health AdvocateAdvocating for Improved CareAs Health Advocates, physicians responsibly use their expertise and influence to advance the health and well-being of individual patients, communities, and populations.
ScholarContributing to Medical Academic
Knowledge Domain
As Scholars, physicians demonstrate a lifelong commitment to reflective learning, as well as the creation, dissemination, application and translation of medical knowledge.
ProfessionalAccountability and Ethical PracticeAs Professionals, physicians are committed to the health and well-being of individuals and society through ethical practice, profession-led regulation, and high personal standards of behaviour.

Historical context: The term CanMEDS initially stood for the Canadian Medical Education Directives for Specialists; CanMEDS-FM was later incorporated to include family physicians as well. 



Financial Accountability

The physician organization must have overall accountability for the finances of the CPD activity.

Accredited activities should aim to be financially self-sustaining, and should not be profit-generating. Surplus funds generated from a recurring activity should be earmarked for the planning, development, or delivery of subsequent activities of a recurring nature. Surplus funds from a single, non-recurring event should be returned to the physician organization (not an individual) and be used to support continuing education activities in the organization.

Create a Budget

Identify all sources of funding/revenue and expenses directly on the budget, even if internally funded. Indicate how any surplus or deficit will be handled. A budget with all projected revenues/funding from all sources, and general expenses, is to be submitted with the application package.

See the CHECKLIST & Forms for a sample budget.


If you are planning to obtain sponsorship, please follow the UBC CPD Ethical Standards for Accredited CPD Activities 2024, Element 4. Remember that commercial sponsorship requires that participants be charged registration fees.

Only the UBC CPD-approved sponsorship opportunities may be offered. The terms, conditions and purposes by which commercial sponsorship is provided must be documented in a written agreement that is signed by the CPD provider organization and for-profit sponsors. The sponsorship agreement reflects the sponsorship request/prospectus.

See CHECKLIST & Forms for: Sponsorship Agreement


- Credit Type -

Choose Learning Format

Credit type is closely related to the learning format of a CPD activity. Eligible learning formats for formal credits are described by what the learner will experience.

As of Dec 16 2024, CFPC's new Quality Criteria 2: Active Learning (prev. "Interactivity") will encompass most all learning formats such as group learning, eLearning, and simulation. All of these learning formats can now be certified under the new Mainpro+ Certified credit type.  

Available MOC credits have not changed.

Group Learning (for specialists)

For specialists 

MOC Section 1 Group Learning credits

At least 25% of the total education time must be allocated for interactive learning which allows participants to interact with the group. Examples: Conferences, webinars, workshops, seminar series, etc.

  • Synchronous (Live, in-person or virtual)
    Program provides learners with opportunity to interact with instructors, each other, and materials in real-time same as if in-person
  • Asynchronous 
    Learners still have opportunity to interact with instructors, each other, and materials, but not necessarily in real time. Program must provide asynchronous interactive opportunity for learners, such as a monitored, facilitated discussion board that closes after limited time.
Assessment (for specialists) 

For specialists 

The Royal College defines assessment credits as CPD programs which objectively assess the learner's knowledge or performance. 

For credit count of assessment programs, validate the number of credit hours by having a few physicians complete the activity.

MOC Section 3 Knowledge Assessment credits (SAP*)

Participants demonstrate knowledge, record their responses (eg. online module with quiz, etc.). Program provides learner with individualized feedback on knowledge via:

  • Correct and incorrect answers, plus explanations of why they are correct/incorrect, and 
  • A scored assessment, and
  • Suggested further resources for more information

*SAP is an old abbreviation that stands for "self-assessment program" to differentiate it from a group activity. However, the learner's knowledge must still be assessed objectively, not self-assessed. 

MOC Section 3 Performance Assessment credits (SIM)

Participants are observed demonstrating performance (eg. skills demo, scenarios, etc.). Program provides learner with individualized feedback on performance via:

  • List of skills achieved/not achieved (eg. skills checklist), and
  • (Optional) Reflective Tool: used for self-reflection and development of action plan 

See the CHECKLIST & Forms for a sample reflective tool

NEW Mainpro+ (for family physicians) 

As of Dec 16 2024, the learning formats for Mainpro+ credits are as follows:

NEW Mainpro+ Certified credits: Covers more than just group learning now! Note the Quality Criteria 2: Active Learning for now includes interactivity with group AND/OR engaging actively with the subject matter eg. eLearning, simulation, and many other learning formats. See Examples of compliance for Mainpro+ Certified credits

NEW Mainpro+ Certified Assessment credits: For practice assessment ONLY. CFPC defines assessment as practice assessment. Learner uses comparative data to receive objective feedback on practice and stimulate documented self-reflection for practice improvement. See Examples of compliance for Mainpro+ Certified ASSESSMENT credits

Note that MOC credits have not changed.

All Credits 2025

As of Dec 16 2024,  UBC CPD can accredit the following learning formats.

View the complete CFPC's new Mainpro+ requirements.

 Target audience 
Learning FormatMOC 
credit type
NEW MAINPRO+ credit typeNEW Mainpro+ requirementsExamples
Group learningMOC Section 1 
Group Learning
Mainpro+ CertifiedActive learning includes 25% interactivity with groupEg. In-person or virtual conferences, webinars, workshops, seminar series
MOC Section 3 
Self-Assessment Program (SAP)
Mainpro+ CertifiedActive learning includes 25% interactivity with subject matterEg. eLearning with knowledge test, quiz
MOC Section 3 Simulation (SIM)Mainpro+ CertifiedActive learning includes 25% interactivity with subject matterEg. Observed simulation, skills, coachee 
NEW format:
Practice Assessment
N/a*Mainpro+ Certified Assessment1. Learners receive feedback on practice
2. Compare to established norms
3. Stimulates self-reflection, demonstrate practice improvement 
Eg. Data-centred CPD activities verifiable against quantitative or qualitative physician EMR data.

*Specialists generally claim practice assessment credits through MOC self-learning. However, a SAP/SIM program may be eligible for the new Mainpro+ Certified Assessment credits if the new criteria are additionally met.


Create Learning Objectives

Learning objectives that address identified needs must be created for the overall event and for individual sessions, and be available to participants. A learner-centered objective is specific, short-range, and relatively concrete. It describes what a learner will be able to do differently afterward (what learner behaviour will change).

Learner Centered Objectives

The change in behaviour is characterized by the use of an action verb. Crystalize the intent of your sessions by reviewing the list of action verbs.

“What will the learner be able to DO once learning has occurred?”

Identify the inflammatory markers in AMD.
Recognize the predictors of diabetic retinopathy.
Describe the process of fluid detection by OCT.
Appraise difficult cases presented by members.

TIP: Avoid the use of vague verbs such as understand, know, appreciate, familiarize, gain knowledge of, grasp, be aware of, comprehend, appreciate, study, become acquainted with or learn about.


The CanMEDS and CanMEDS-FM competencies are frameworks developed by the Canadian medical colleges. They identify and describe the abilities physicians and surgeons require to effectively meet the health-care needs of the people they serve. These abilities are grouped thematically under the seven roles of a physician. 

To help ensure that CPD learning activities and programs are aligned with CanMEDS, learning objectives should address one or two of the seven roles.

CanMEDS RoleDescription
Medical/Family medicine expertMedical expertise
CommunicatorCommunicating with patients
CollaboratorCollaborating with colleagues
LeaderCoordinating team care
Health advocateAdvocating for improved care
ScholarContributing to medical academic knowledge domain
ProfessionalAccountability and ethical practice


Develop Content

Design your CPD learning activity to address the professional practice gaps identified by the needs assessment.

​Create a detailed program with an agenda of topics, speakers, start and end times, question and answer/discussion periods, breaks, etc.

  • Include learner-centred objectives.
  • Count credit hours by totaling the educational hours and subtracting the breaks.
  • Relay the accreditation standards to all those developing content ("speaker communications"): Consult CHECKLIST & Forms for template
Non-Compliance Procedures

The SPC must identify and address instances of non-compliance with the UBC CPD Ethical Standard 2024. The SPC must have a procedure for addressing non-compliance; where no other procedure exists, the UBC CPD Non-Compliance Procedures (see Appendix C) may be used. The SPC must inform UBC CPD should any instances of non-compliance arise.


Speaker Letter

Inform Content contributors of Accreditation standards

The SPC must inform content contributors (e.g. presenters, authors, instructional designers, facilitators, moderators, etc.) of the requirements to:

  • develop content and learning objectives based on the identified needs of the target audience [note: SPC should share identified needs with content contributors]
  • develop learning objectives that are learner-centred
  • create content and materials that provide (where applicable) a balanced view for therapeutic options related to the content area and reflect the current scientific literature
  • describe therapeutic options using generic names (or both generic and trade) and not reflect exclusivity and branding
  • declare any off-label use when making therapeutic recommendations for medications that have not received regulatory approval
  • make every effort to avoid bias, whether commercial or other
  • disclose all financial relationships with commercial and not-for-profit organizations
  • presenters must disclose to learners both on slides and verbally
  • include references to evidence used to create content
  • adhere to time allotment, including time for interactivity such as Q & A
  • ensure content and materials are available to the SPC for review prior to being made available to learners
  • ensure content and materials meet professional standards and legal requirements, including the protection of privacy, confidentiality and copyright

Consult CHECKLIST & Forms to access the speaker communication (comms) template.

Application Phase

Apply Now

By now your program is ready to be reviewed for CPD credit approval.

Consult the CHECKLIST & Forms  to ensure you have all of the required documentation and apply.

Applying via the is online portal under Apply Here is recommended. 

Delivery Phase

Deliver Program

Once your program has been approved, you will receive an approval email with your official accreditation/certification statement to be used on certificates, as well as the "Accredited by UBC CPD" logo. This information may also be used for advertising the CPD credits for your learning activity. UBC CPD forwards notification of approval to the appropriate medical college(s) so that physician may claim credits after attending.


All participants must be able to register and receive a receipt or record of registration, and attendance records are kept by UBC CPD for 6 years.


A certificate of participation or written confirmation signed by the chair of the SPC is to be issued to participants for all accredited/certified activities. Physicians must login to their member portal with the Royal College to claim the MOC credits, or the CFPC to claim the Mainpro+ credits.

Anyone may use certificates as proof of participation if they are not physicians. Health professionals such as nurses and midwives especially use these certificates to track their own CPD.

See the CHECKLIST & Forms for: Certificate template. 

The certificate must specify the following elements:

  1. Participant name
  2. The title of the activity as it appears on the application
  3. The name/logo of the physician organization responsible for the activity (and co-developer if applicable)
  4. The date(s) the activity took place
  5. The location of the activity (i.e. city, prov or virtual base)
  6. Accreditation/certification statement issued upon approval, including number of CPD credits
  7. Cert+ session ID (Mainpro+ only)

Evaluate Program

For accreditation, learners must have the opportunity to evaluate the CPD activity. The following accreditation-related questions are required to be included on the evaluation form but learners are not required to complete an evaluation in order to obtain their CPD credits

Note: Some questions may not be relevant to your program.

Required evaluation questions
  1. Did the program meet the stated learning objectives?   Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
  2. Required only for programs seeking Mainpro+ credits (NEW): As a result of completing this CPD activity I am confident in implementing the learning objectives. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
  3. (New wording): Were there any aspects of the program's content or delivery that appeared biased to you (e.g. financial, sponsor-related, cultural, gender, racial, or others)?  Yes   No | If yes, please describe:
  4. Reflecting on the program content, what impact will this education have on your practice? Open text box
  5. Required only if content covers treatments, medications, etc. This education offered balanced views of diagnostic tools and/or therapeutic options.  Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
  6. Required only for programs seeking MOC credits: Which CanMEDS Role(s) were addressed during this CPD activity? Check all that apply: 
    ☐ Medical Expert ☐ Communicator ☐ Collaborator ☐ Leader ☐ Health Advocate ☐ Professional ☐ Scholar 

See the CHECKLIST & Forms for: Evaluation templates.

Evaluation considerations

The following question can be used as a needs assessment for future activities: 

  • Please suggest any topics or speakers you would like to see at future CPD activities. Open text box

OPTIONAL: If elements promoting Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion are considered in the program planning (e.g. including diverse and varied perspectives in planning, considering diverse needs of learners and patients they treat​, implementing an inclusive program design, considering accommodations for learners), remember to provide learners an opportunity to evaluate how well the program incorporated EDI principles. 

Dropped evaluation questions for Mainpro+

As of December 2024, the CFPC dropped the Quality Criteria that was Addressing Barriers , therefore this evaluation question is no longer required:

  • Can you identify any barriers to incorporating what you learned into your practice? 

As of June 2018, these two questions are no longer required on evaluations for Mainpro+ programs:

  • This CPD activity content enhanced my knowledge
  • Indicate which CanMEDS-FM roles you felt were addressed Note: the CanMEDS question is still required for MOC accreditation!
Post-Activity Phase

Report Back

The evaluation must include the question: “Did you perceive any degree of bias in any part of the program? Yes/No”. The responses to this question (ie. the number of yes, no and total responses) are to be forwarded to UBC CPD within 3 months of the event, via a brief email.

Send via Email