CPD from other organizations

UBC Departments
For full information please view departmental websites directly: med.ubc.ca/about/departments-schools-centres/.
Anesthesiology, Pharmacology & Therapeutics apt.ubc.ca
- Whistler Anesthesiology Summit (Conference), annual, whistleranesthesia.ca
- Visiting Professor, 4-5 Lectures per year, apt.med.ubc.ca/department/contact-us/
- Visiting Professor Videotaped Lectures, apt.ubc.ca/anesthesiology/video-lectures
- Journal Club, about 5 times per year, apt.med.ubc.ca/department/contact-us/
- Anesthesiology Grand rounds, 25-30 times per year, apt.med.ubc.ca/department/contact-us/
- Best Evidence Webinars, bi-monthly and Deprescribing Webinars, bi-monthly, https://www.ti.ubc.ca/continuing-education/events-webinars/
Dermatology & Skin Science derm.ubc.ca
- Spring Dermatology Review for Family Physicians (Conference), annual
- Department of Dermatology and Skin Science Event Schedule derm.med.ubc.ca/about/events
Faculty Development med.ubc.ca/education/faculty-development/
Family Practice familymed.ubc.ca
- CME on the Run, 6 times a year, ubccpd.ca
- Family Practice Review, annual, ubccpd.ca
- Family Practice Rounds VGH, monthly, familymed.ubc.ca/about-us/contact
- Practice Survival Skills, annual, ubccpd.ca
- Rural Video rounds, monthly, familymed.ubc.ca/about-us/contact
- Annual Practice Education for Health Professions Workshop, annual, familymed.ubc.ca
- Teacher’s Toolbox, annual, familymed.ubc.ca
- Arbutus Blooms, annual, familymed.ubc.ca
- Site Faculty Development Days, annual for each site (15), familymed.ubc.ca
- DFP Faculty Research Day and Research workshop, annual, research.familymed.ubc.ca/research-activities/research-day
- DFP residency Research Day, annual, research.familymed.ubc.ca/research-activities/resident-research-day
- Professional Development Matrix for Faculty
Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences http://ophthalmology.med.ubc.ca/faculty-resources/professional-development/
Grand rounds, Friday mornings, 8am-9am, https://ophthalmology.med.ubc.ca/faculty-resources/grand-rounds/
Conference: 15th Biennial UBC Vancouver Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Conference | Sept 5-6, 2025 | Vancouver BC
Please mark your calendars for the 15th Biennial UBC Vancouver Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Conference!
The conference will be held in-person in Vancouver, British Columbia on Friday Sept 5th and Saturday Sept 6th 2025.
Further information including speakers, registration link and accommodation information will follow soon.
Thank you,
The Organising Committee
15th Biennial UBC Vancouver Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Conference(website to come)
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine pathology.ubc.ca
- Weekly province-wide rounds, Fridays at noon, pathology.ubc.ca/pathology-province-wide-rounds
School of Population and Public Health https://www.spph.ubc.ca/continuing-education/
- Tropical & Geographic Medicine Intensive Short Course, May 8–12, 2023, Online virtual platform https://www.spph.ubc.ca/continuing-education/tgm2023/
- SPPH Occupational and Environmental Health Seminars, Fridays, 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm (via Zoom): https://www.spph.ubc.ca/oeh-seminars/
Radiology radiology.ubc.ca
- Conferences: http://ubcradcme.com/
- Radiology Grand Rounds: https://radiology.med.ubc.ca/grand-rounds/radiology-schedule/
- Radiology Master Events Calendar: http://postgrad.radiology.med.ubc.ca/schedules/full-academic-calendar/
SURGERY surgery.med.ubc.ca
Neurosurgery http://neurosurgery.med.ubc.ca/events/academic-rounds/
- Professors’ Rounds, Wednesdays, 10:00 – 10:45am, VGH, Taylor-Fidler Auditorium, 1st Floor, JPPN
- Correlative Rounds, Wednesdays, 10:45 – 11:25am, VGH, Taylor-Fidler Auditorium, 1st Floor, JPPN
- M & M Rounds, Wednesdays, 11:30 – 12:00pm, VGH, T5A Conference Room, (5170) JPPS Tower
Cardiac Surgery http://surgery.med.ubc.ca/grand-rounds/cardiac-surgery/
- Cardiac Catheter Rounds, Mondays, 4:00pm, BC Children’s Hospital, Radiology Library
- Cardiovascular Surgery Morbidity & Mortality, Every 2nd Wed, 7:00am, VGH, Morgue Conference Room
- Combined Cardiovascular & Cardiology Rounds, Every 2nd Wed, 8:00am, VGH, JPN Seminar Room
- Cardiology/ Cardiac Surgery Rounds, Wednesdays, 5:00pm, BC Children’s Hospital, Radiology Library
- Combined Medical/Surgical, Cardiac Conference, Thursdays, 7:30am, St. Paul’s Hospital, Hulburt Auditorium
General Surgery http://surgery.med.ubc.ca/grand-rounds/general-surgery/
- M & M Rounds, Mondays, 7:00am, VGH, CESEI
- Chief Resident Teaching Session, Mondays, 8:00am, St. Paul’s, GI Conference Room, Level 2, Providence Bldg
- Pathology/General Surgery Rounds, Mondays, , 9:00am, St. Paul’s, GI Conference Room, Level 2, Providence Bldg
- General Surgery Rounds, Mondays, 10:00am, St. Paul’s, GI Conference Room, Level 2, Providence Bldg
- General Surgery Team Rounds, Mondays, 11:00am, St. Paul’s, GI Conference Room, Level 2, Providence Bldg
- General Surgery Teaching Rounds, Mondays, 4:30pm, St. Paul’s, GI Conference Room, Level 2, Providence Bldg
- GI Medical/Surgical Rounds, Tuesdays, 7:00am, VGH, Taylor Fidler Auditorium
- HBP Rounds, Every 2nd Tue, 4:30pm, VGH, West 8A Conference Room, Centennial Pavilion
- City Wide Rounds, Wednesdays, 7:00am, VGH
- Trauma Rounds, Wednesdays, 4:00pm, VGH
Otolaryngology surgery.med.ubc.ca/divisions/otolaryngology/
- City Wide Grand Rounds, Mondays, 7:45am, VGH, Willow Pavilion, 4th Floor Conference Room
- City Wide Radiology/Pathology Rounds, Mondays, 12:00pm, VGH, Taylor Fidler Auditorium
- Journal Club, Tuesdays, 8:00am, UBC Hospital, Research Seminar Room F154
- Joint Assessment Clinic, Thursdays, 8:00am, BC Cancer Agency
Paediatric Surgery surgery.med.ubc.ca/grand-rounds/pediatric-surgery
- Paediatric Surgery Rounds, Tuesdays, 8:00am, BC Children’s Hospital, Room KO-133
- Paediatric Tumor Board, Thursdays, 1:00pm, BC Children’s Hospital, Room 2J38
- Fetal Diagnostic Service Rounds, Every 2nd Fri, BC Women’s Hospital, Room 1T29
Plastic Surgery surgery.med.ubc.ca/grand-rounds/plastic-surgery
- Morbidity and Mortality Rounds, Mondays,4:30pm, St. Paul’s Hospital, Hurlburt Auditorium
- Hand Rounds, Tuesdays, 7:00am, VGH, JPN Seminar Room
- Plastics Rounds, Wednesdays, 7:00am, VGH, BPU LPS 2nd Floor
- Walk Around Rounds, 2nd and 3rd of Month, 7:00am, VGH, BPU LPS 2nd Floor
- City Wide Rounds, 1st Wed of Month, 7:00am, St. Paul’s, New Lecture Theatre
- 10B Rounds, Wednesdays, 7:00am, St. Paul’s, Providence Wing 10B
Radiation Oncology surgery.med.ubc.ca/grand-rounds/radiation-oncology
- Noon Seminar, Mondays, 12:30pm, BC Cancer Agency, Research Lecture Theatre
- Research Presentations, Thursdays, 9:15am, BC Cancer Agency, Research Lecture Theatre
- Radiation Oncology Rounds, Thursdays, 12:00pm, BC Cancer Agency, John Jambor Lecture Theatre
Thoracic Surgery surgery.med.ubc.ca/grand-rounds/thoracic-surgery
- City-Wide Rounds, Fridays, 7:00 – 8:00am, VGH, T-12 Conference Room #12170, Jim Pattison Pavilion
- Pulmonary Medicine/ Thoracic Surgery Rounds, Tuesdays, 7:30am, VGH, W10 Seminar Room CP
- Thoracic Surgery Clinical Pathology Conference, Wednesdays, 4:00pm, St. Paul’s Hospital, Gourlay Conference Room
- Academic presentations/Journal Club, Fridays, 7:00am, VGH, T-12 Conference Room #12170, Jim Pattison Pavilion
- Thoracic Pathology/Radiology/Chest Rounds, Fridays, 1:00pm, VGH, Taylor Fidler Auditorium
Vascular Surgery surgery.med.ubc.ca/grand-rounds/vascular-surgery
- City Wide Rounds, Wednesdays, 7:00am, VGH, Seminar Room 3134, 3rd Floor Jim Pattison Pavilion North
- M & M Rounds, Wednesdays, 8:00 – 9:00am, VGH, Seminar Room 3134, 3rd Floor Jim Pattison Pavilion North
- M & M Rounds, Thursdays, 8:00 – 8:30am, St. Paul’s Hospital, Ward A/B 10th Floor Providence Bldg
- Service Ward Rounds, Thursdays, 8:30 – 9:30am, St. Paul’s Hospital, Ward A/B 10th Floor Providence Bldg
- Resident’s Case Presentation Division of Vascular Surgery, Thursdays, 9:30 – 10:00am, St. Paul’s Hospital, Room C318, 3rd Floor Burrard Bldg
- Joint Interventional Rounds, Thursdays, 7:00am, VGH, Radiology Seminar Room, G884, Jim Pattison Pavilion
- Journal Club, Sept 2012 – June 2013, The Heritage Room of Brock House Restaurant, 3875 Point Grey Rd, Vancouver
Urologic Sciences urology.ubc.ca
- Department of Urological Sciences grand rounds, Wednesdays, 7–8 am, VGH Jim Pattison Pavillion Taylor-Fidler Auditorium, urology.med.ubc.ca/news-events/
If you wish to add your department please contact Michelle Ngai, @email.
The information on this webpage is for information purposes only. UBC CPD provides links only as a convenience and not as an endorsement by UBC CPD. UBC CPD does not review and is not responsible for the content, accreditation, policy compliance, industry bias or copyright of any organizations or presentation in linked sites. UBC CPD will not be liable for any loss or damage which may arise from the use of any information contained on this site.