Personal Learning Plans (PLP)

Personal Learning Plans (PLP)
Personal Learning Plans (PLP) supports physicians new to rural practice and International Medical Graduates (IMGs) in British Columbia (BC). This is a confidential and non-reporting program that supports your learning journey through physician mentorship, connection with available funding and curated educational resources. Meet with a physician advisor and concierge who understand the realities of rural practice to discuss your learning needs to create a tailored learning plan and make sense of the continuing medical education opportunities in BC. Let us help you build meaningful connections in your community.
Gain the support you need to thrive in your practice and build a strong network through a flexible, personalized virtual learning plan. The PLP has no administrative requirement and you can achieve up to 6 MainPro+ credits for participating.
Personal Learning Plans (PLP) are available to full or provisionally licensed practicing physicians in BC who are:
- Within initial five years of practice in rural community as defined by the Rural Subsidiary Agreement.
- An International Medical Graduate (IMG) practicing in a rural community as defined by the Rural Subsidiary Agreement.
- A past or current BC-PIP participant in their first five years of practice in British Columbia.
Virtual consultation
To enroll in Personal Learning Plans (PLP), complete the Expression of Interest form.
You will then be contacted by email to schedule a 15-minute phone consultation with a concierge.
Accepted participants will be matched with a physician advisor and have an opportunity to connect with them and concierge for one hour on Zoom, after which a personalized learning plan will provided one to two weeks later. Participants will then reconnect with their physician advisors and concierge virtually over the course of four months through a flexible schedule to uncover what was most useful and explore what else PLP can do to support you.
Program participants have said they experience a "rush of positive feelings" when made aware of all the resources they weren't previously aware of.
"Imperative to engage in if you start Practice in Canada, focuses on personal and professional goals. Wonderful and compassionate team, very supportive and patient with my transition to Canadian Medical team." — 2024 program participant

In the spirit of new beginnings and transitions (Butterfly), nourished by love and compassion (Rose), and supported by protection (the Eagle in the Sun), Cree/Dakelh author, muralist and multimedia artist, Clayton Gauthier, created this symbol for Personal Learning Plans (PLP).
Funding for this Project was provided by the Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc), Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues (JSC), the Joint Collaborative Committees (JCC) of Doctors of BC and the BC Government.

The Division of Continuing Professional Development, University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine (UBC CPD) is fully accredited by the Continuing Medical Education Accreditation Committee (CACME) to provide CPD credits for physicians. This 2.0-credit-per-hour Self-Learning program meets the certification criteria of the College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been certified by UBC CPD for up to 6.0 Mainpro+® credits. Each physician should claim only those credits accrued through participation in the activity.