Awards & Achievements

Awards for Innovation & Service in CPD/CME
Two annual awards are given to recognize exemplary activities in Continuing Professional Development/Continuing Medical Education (CPD/CME) for UBC Faculty of Medicine (UBC FoM) faculty and staff.
Submit a nomination for the CPD/CME awards by June 13, 2025.
Award Nominations
1. Innovation in CPD/CME (Click to view)
- Recognize outstanding innovation and/or creativity of original work in the area of CPD/CME program development, research, and supporting practice improvement.
- The winner of this award may be an individual, a group, an organization, or a specific CPD/CME program.
- The winner must be affiliated with the UBC FoM. For individuals, eligibility is limited to clinical or full time faculty, or full or part time staff of the UBC FoM. For program, the program must have official linkage to a Division, Department, School or Research Centre within the UBC FoM.
Evaluation Criteria:
- Originality, creativity, novelty or ingenuity of method, delivery or application of technology
- Innovation in course design, evaluation, promotion, organization, or achievement of educational objectives
- Relevance to the needs of the target population
- The potential value of the CME/CPD activity to transmit or apply existing knowledge to improve practice and health outcomes
- Efforts towards developing capacity for those who have been traditionally under-represented, historically and/or persistently marginalized in higher education
2. Distinguished Service to CPD/CME (Click to view)
- This award recognizes substantial long term contributions, distinguished commitments or outstanding service to UBC FoM sponsored CPD/CME activities.
- The winner of this award must be an individual.
- Eligibility is limited to clinical or full time faculty or full time (or part time) staff of the UBC FoM.
Evaluation Criteria:
- Innovation, creativity, and ingenuity
- Research or other scholarly activity
- Administrative contributions to the field of CPD/CME
- Contributions in teaching, program development, or other related areas
- Number and frequency of contributions
- Feedback of participants
- Efforts towards developing capacity for those who have been traditionally under-represented, historically and/or persistently marginalized in higher education
As UBC CPD supports those who have been traditionally under-represented, historically or persistently marginalized in higher education, we encourage award nominations for members of these groups. All nominees should have demonstrated a strong commitment to living the Faculty of Medicine values of respect, integrity, compassion, collaboration and equity. We strongly encourage nominators to consider the Faculty of Medicine’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion values in the nomination process.
Submit the full nomination package to: @email by June 13, 2025.
Nominee(s): must be affiliated with UBC FoM.
Nominator: all individuals (UBC or external) can submit multiple nominations.
Award recipients receive an honorarium of $1,000 and public recognition at the Annual Faculty of Medicine (FoM) Awards Reception. UBC Continuing Professional Develioment (CPD) promotes the importance of continuing education as part of physicians’ lifelong learning. The CPD/CME UBC FoM awards provide heightened recognition of the important work being done in this area and demonstrates the value that UBC FoM places on this phase of the continuum of medical education.
Please download the nomination package and submit:
- Nomination form.
- Letter of recommendation: provide rationale and background information on the nominee. Up to 1000 words. Summarize the nominee’s contributions to CPD and why the candidate should be chosen to receive this award (specifically addressing the criteria for the award).
- Feedback from CPD/CME program participants: maximum of three pages, optional.
- Support letters: minimum one, maximum three. Support letters are included in the nomination package. Collect all to submit with your nomination.
Submit the full nomination package electronically to: @email. Nominations will be reviewed by a formal adjudication committee.
Adjudication Guidelines
- Nominations will stand for three years.
- Applications can be updated in the second and third years if the award is not granted.
- It is the nominator’s responsibility to keep the nomination current.
- The adjudication committee, in its sole discretion, will resolve questions concerning eligibility.
- An award may not be granted every year.
- The identity of nominees will not be made public unless they win the award.
- Decisions made by the adjudication committee are final and may not be appealed.
- Before announcing the winner, the adjudication committee will determine that the nominee is willing to receive and accept the award.
- Posthumous awards will not be made.
- Award winners will not normally be considered for an award if they have won the same award within the previous three years.
2024 Recipients
Innovation in CME/CPD: The Indigenous Specific Anti-Racism Training (ISART) team
Represented by Dr. Chris Morrow, Emergency Medicine, Island Medical Program |
The multidisciplinary and dedicated ISART team created and delivered a two-day training course, which has provided a novel, comprehensive and innovative opportunity for clinicians to further understand bias and racism in clinical medicine.
The ISART team includes Chris Morrow (Director IMP PEP), Rain Daniels (Course Developer and Facilitator), Chelsey Branch (Course Developer and Facilitator), Dr. Lauren Jerke (Indigenous Standardized Patient Lead and Case Developer), Addie Taylor (Indigenous Standardized Patient), Alain Mickelson (Indigenous Standardized Patient), Valeria Frances Oliver (Indigenous Standardized Patient), Chris Austin (Indigenous Standardized Patient), Darin Abbey (Simulation Facilitator), Nicole Esligar (Education Manager) Leah Johnston (Administrative Assistant) and Sarah Petreny (Administrative Assistant).
Distinguished Service to CME/CPD: Dr. Nelson Greidanus, Orthopedics
Through original methods and delivery, Dr. Nelson Greidanus has significantly advanced Continuing Professional Development as Director of CPD/CME in the Department of Orthopaedics and Assistant Professor at UBC.
Dr. Greidanus has revolutionized medical education through creative course design and application of technology, including organizing the Annual Orthopaedic Update conferences, and has made strides to foster inclusivity by providing optimal learner environments for trainees and collaborating with other directors to amplify the impact of CPD activities.
Read more about the 2024 Faculty of Medicine Awards recipients.
Previous Recipients
Innovation in CPD: Patricia Birch, Medical Genetics
Distinguished Service to CPD: Dr. Ray Markham, Family Medicine
Innovation in CPD: Kyla Hildebrand, Pediatrics
Distinguished Service to CPD: Dr. Carol Ward, Psychiatry
Innovation in CPD: Dr. Paul Winston and Dr. Rajiv Reebye, Division of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Distinguished Service to CPD: Dr. Tandi Wilkinson, Department of Family Practice
Innovation in CPD: Dr. David Liu, UBC Department of Radiology
Distinguished Service to CPD: Dr. Ian Schokking, UBC Department of Family Practice
Innovation in CPD: Dr. Christie Sutherland and Ms. Amanda Giesler, BC Centre on Substance Use
Distinguished Service to CPD: Dr. Victor F. Huckell, UBC Division of Cardiology
Innovation in CPD: Silvia Guillemi, Department of Family Practice
Distinguished Service to CPD: Dr. Gisele Bourgeois-Law, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Distinguished Service to CPD: Dr. Christie Newton, Department of Family Practice
Innovation in CPD: Dr. Jasmine Allaire, Department of Pediatrics, Emergency Medicine
Distinguished Service to CPD: Dr. Julian Marsden, Department of Emergency Medicine
Innovation in CPD: IEPEP Program (Internationally Educated Physiotherapist Exam Preparation)/Dr. Alison Greig, Department of Physical Therapy
Distinguished Service to CPD: Dr. Mary Bennett, Department of Pediatrics
Innovation in CPD: Dr. Devin Harris, Department of Emergency Medicine
Distinguished Service to CPD: Dr. Leslie Sadownik, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Innovation in CPD: Dr. Afshin Khazei, Department of Emergency Medicine
Distinguished Service to CPD: Dr. Shirley Sze, Department of Family Practice
Innovation in CPD: Dr. Rivian Weinerman, Clinical Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, UBC Faculty of Medicine
Distinguished Service to CPD: Dr. John Mancini , Professor/Program Director Continuing Medical Education, UBC Cardiology; Director, Cardiovascular Imaging Research Laboratory, St. Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver, BC
Innovation in CPD: Dr. Jeff Plant, Clinical Instructor, Department of Emergency Medicine; CPD Educator, RCPSC; Medical Director, UBC CPD
Distinguished Service to CPD: Dr. Rona Cheifetz, Assistant Professor; Director – Continuing Medical Education, UBC Department of Surgery; Consultant – Surgical Oncologist, BC Cancer Agency (Provincial Health Services Authority)
Innovation in CPD: Sue Stanton, Associate Professor, Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Distinguished Service to CPD: Dr. William Schreiber, Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Innovation in CPD: Dr. Kendall Ho, Director – eHealth Strategy Office; Associate Professor, Division of Emergency Medicine
Innovation in CPD: Dr. Akber Mithani, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Vice President, Providence Health Care and Ms. Taj Bhaloo, Adjunct Professor, Department of Health Care and Epidemiology; Formerly, Director, Centre of Innovation, Providence Health Care
Innovation in CPD: Dr. Harry Karlinsky, Clinical Professor and Director of Continuing Professional Development, Department of Psychiatry
Distinguished Service to CPD: Dr. Grant Innes, UBC Clinical Professor, Department of Surgery Division of Emergency Medicine
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