Rural CPD

Research & Evaluation
At UBC Rural CPD, we continually collect quantitative and qualitative data from our learning activities to ensure we stay connected to our rural and remote learners. We also conduct more in-depth studies to explore topics and issues that are relevant to rural healthcare practitioners. This information also helps to inform our strategic planning and direction.
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Building point‑of‑care ultrasound capacity in rural emergency departments: An educational innovation (2021)
This publication in the Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine explores how the Hands-on Ultrasound Education(HOUSE) Program at UBC Rural CPD builds capacity for this important clinical tool in the rural setting.
Rural Continuous Quality Improvement Needs Assessment (2017)
We wanted to explore what the necessary supports for effective practice improvement (PI)/quality improvement (QI) for physicians in rural and remote communities in BC. Our investigation considered factors beyond classical CPD including physician engagement, recruitment/retention issues of relevance, and system support issues. This study was completed in 2019 and its findings will help inform how best to support rural physicians to more fully engage in effective PI/QI activities.
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