CPD from other organizations

Grand Rounds
Calendar of online rounds: http://calendarwiz.com/bcrounds.
Distributed Academic Rounds is a joint service offered through UBC CPD and MedIT to improve UBC clinical faculty and community physician access to academic rounds in BC. Distributed Academic Rounds has a shared calendar showing rounds of all participating departments and allows you to access rounds through any computer, laptop, iPad, or another device with internet connection. If your department is taking part in this project you will find information on how to access these rounds through your departmental website (see below for links). For more information please check MedIT Conferencing and Collaboration.
Department of Emergency Medicine, UBC
Emergency Medicine Research Rounds
Schedule: 3rd Wednesday of every month, 12:30-1:30pm
Rounds Coordinator: Jan Buchanan
Department of Emergency Medicine, UBC
Provincial Grand Rounds
Schedule: 1st Wednesday of every month, 9-10am
Rounds Coordinator: Mira Pandya
Department of Medicine, UBC
1. Grand Rounds: 1st Thursday of each month* 1200-1300
2. Specialty Noon Rounds: every Friday in the 14C conference room, Jim Pattison Pavilion. The speaker presents to a group of MSIs and Internal Medicine / Off Service residents (varying years).
Department of Pediatrics, UBC
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, UBC
Wednesdays and Thursdays
Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences, UBC
Department of Orthopaedics, UBC
Orthopaedic Research, St. Paul's Hospital
SPH Orthopaedic Hand, Wrist and Upper Extremity Rounds
Contact: @email
Fridays, 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM
Department of Surgery, UBC
Surgery Grand Rounds - Webcast
General Surgery Rounds - City Wide Rounds - Webcast
Otolaryngology Grand Rounds - Webcast
Division of Neurosurgery, UBC
Department of Medicine, St. Paul’s Hospital
Grand Rounds available online
Thursdays at noon
Calendar: http://calendarwiz.com/calendars/bcrounds
VGH Critical Care Grand Rounds
Schedule: Every 2nd Tuesday of the month, 1pm to 2pm
Rounds Coordinator: Julia Cheung at 604-875-5949, @email
View past recordings: http://vimeo.com/daleneedham
UBC CHES Research Rounds (Centre for Health Education Scholarship)
Schedule: https://ches.med.ubc.ca/newsevents/cutting-edge-speaker-series/presenters-schedule/
Rounds Coordinator: Laura Nimmon
UBC CHES Hot Topics in Health Professions Education
Contact details: @email
UBC CHES What I’m Thinking About…
Contact details: @email
School of Population and Public Health Grand Rounds
Monthly 1200-1300, SPPH Room B151 or Youtube Live
Training for Rounds Coordinators
The following online self-paced training resources are available for Rounds Coordinators to help with using the BC Rounds Calendar.
Training videos (click on the name of the video to open it in a new window)
- How to navigate the calendar
- How to create a rounds event
- How to edit a rounds event
- How to remind or invite your group to a rounds event
Use these resources to support the development of your grand rounds educational sessions: Grand Rounds Resources
The information on this webpage is for information purposes only. Departmental Rounds are not accredited by UBC CPD, but rather self-accredited through the Royal College. UBC CPD provides links to Departmental Rounds only as a convenience and not as an endorsement by UBC CPD. UBC CPD does not review, and is not responsible for, the content, accreditation, policy compliance, industry bias or copyright of any organizations or presentation in linked sites. UBC CPD will not be liable for any loss or damage which may arise from the use of any information contained on this site.