Rural CPD

Annual Reports
Rural CPD Annual Report 2023-2024
UBC Rural CPD (RCPD) is a partnership between the UBC Faculty of Medicine’s Division of Continuing Professional Development (UBC CPD) and the Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc) and is funded by the Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues (JSC), a joint committee of the Doctors of BC and BC Ministry of Health.
Through this partnership, RCPD has delivered education across rural and remote British Columbia to hundreds of health professionals. In person and online, thousands of hours have been dedicated to teaching and learning in communities across the province.
In 2023-2024, we delivered:
- 18 Hands on Ultrasound Education course days, reaching 155 participants
- eight Rural Point of Care Ultrasound Rounds (POCUS) sessions, reaching 343 participants
- 12 RTVS Virtual Simulations on topics such as pediatric asthma, anaphylaxis, diabetic ketoacidosis
- seven Rural Rounds sessions, reaching 437 participants
- four Virtual Health Grand Rounds sessions, reaching 225 participants
We also facilitated:
- 36 IMG and new to practice physicians through the Personal Learning Plans program
- 389 participants through our Coaching and Mentoring Programs, equating more than 1000 coaching hours
- 492 participants through our Nawh whu’nus’en – We see in two worlds, Indigenous Patient Led trauma and resilience-informed curriculum for rural and rural-serving providers
Read our 2023-2024 Annual Report
Read our past reports
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