Answering the climate emergency: building a healthy planetary future together
Health professionals hold a unique position in shaping a healthier future for both our patients and the planet. This year, the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment invites you to the forefront of this critical mission. Our annual conference brings together experts who have spearheaded local initiatives to combat climate change.
Discover innovative projects, gain valuable insights and connect with like-minded individuals.
Highlighting learning activities in partnership with BC Cancer
September is Childhood, Ovarian and Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.
Discover the number of eLearning modules we offer in collaboration with BC Cancer. Learn more about cancer care and your role in supporting patients through their journey.
Check out the entire series of eLearning modules on cancer screening and care.
Supporting Cancer Survivors' Return to Work (RTW) tips to help foster successful RTW
Learn different frameworks and strategies to help with guiding cancer survivors in their RTW journey. Get more details in our accredited eLearning, Supporting Cancer Survivors' Return to Work and for bite-sized learning visit UBC CPD on Instagram.