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Team-Based Care Online Education
This course will teach you the basics of team-based care, from defining your team and understanding roles, to communication skills and integrating workflows. Take this as a primer before a team-based care workshop, or as a stand-alone learning opportunity.
The course is divided into four modules:
1 - Recognizing Your Team
2 - Understanding Scope and Roles
3 - Optimizing Communication
4 - Practice Integration and Workflow
CME on the Run! 2023-2024
BC Cancer Primary Care Learning Sessions
BC Cancer Primary Care Learning Sessions
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The BC Cancer Primary Care Learning Sessions aim to deliver a virtual and customized interactive community-based small group session for primary care providers and cancer care specialists.
This education builds on the BC Cancer Primary Care Learning Sessions, a series of online modules developed to teach best practices in screening, treatment, and surveillance using interactive cases, direct learners to high-quality
CAMP Online Portal
Looking Beyond a Diagnosis: Child & Youth Mental Health
Rural Rounds: Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy in the Rural Setting
Rural Rounds: Managing Young Febrile Infants in the Rural Setting
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