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BC Virtual Health Grand Rounds: Bridging the Digital Divide and Virtual ECHO
Pediatric Oncology Hematology Education Day 2023
Nawh whu’nus’en - We see in two worlds: Trauma sensitive practices for collectively healing in relationship (Level 2 | October 2023)
Beyond Nutrition: Talking About Food and Eating for Health Professionals
Nutrition is an important tool in the management of chronic illness and the promotion of health. However, food, health, and eating are complex and sensitive topics for many people.
This interactive course is intended to support health care providers in understanding and navigating our complex relationships with food. You'll learn practical skills to make your conversations about food sensitive, relevant, and practical.
This course is grounded in the evidence-based recommendations of Canada's Food Guide and provides an overview of the key points and more recent research
Implants and IUDs: Comparing and Inserting Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARC)
Team-Based Care Online Education
This course will teach you the basics of team-based care, from defining your team and understanding roles, to communication skills and integrating workflows. Take this as a primer before a team-based care workshop, or as a stand-alone learning opportunity.
The course is divided into four modules:
1 - Recognizing Your Team
2 - Understanding Scope and Roles
3 - Optimizing Communication
4 - Practice Integration and Workflow
CME on the Run! 2023-2024
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