UBC CPD launches a new-year opportunity to advance coaching and mentoring in the health-care system. This is the first time an information session is being held with the aim to engage more mentors and mentees by sharing the impact of coaching and mentoring and new education on strengthening communication.
“We are excited to bring together providers and administrators interested in learning more about coaching and mentoring to build a more supportive and communicative environment”, says Emily Boardman, Education Manager.
Coaching and Mentoring Information and Education Session
The upcoming Coaching and Mentoring Information and Education Session on Jan. 28, 2025, invites interested learners and administrators, including physicians, midwives, nurses and administrative staff to discover the transformative power of coaching and mentoring in health care.
“In this session, we will hold space for peers of various specialties to experience new ways of being as health system leaders”, says Dr. Lawrence Yang, Family Physician, Quality Improvement Mentor and Facilitator
During the session, experienced coach facilitators and key speakers Dr. Bruce Hobson, Dr. Cecile Andreas and Dr. Lawrence Yang will share practical strategies to implement coaching and mentoring into practice and how to access funding and education credits for peer support.
Participants will also actively practice key coaching and mentoring skills alongside peers and learn more about the Coaching and Mentoring Program (CAMP) and its work with the broader system.
“We hope participants walk away with a new, powerful way of communicating with our short lesson and opportunity to practice the skill,” says Emily. “We want to provide clarity on how coaching and mentoring shows up in health care and opportunities to formalize partnerships through programs in BC, such as through CAMP for rural providers."
What are the benefits of coaching and mentoring in health care?
Open to all health professionals, coaches and administrative staff, UBC CPD’s award-winning Coaching and Mentoring Program (CAMP) fosters peer connections and rural-practitioner networks through virtual, in-community and higher volume coaching.
The program offers support in areas like transitions in practice, emergency medicine, hands-on ultrasound, palliative care, personal wellness and more. This program also offers monthly skill development sessions for coaches and mentors to practice and advance their communication skills.
Get insight into the program, learn a new skill and connect with a peer at the upcoming information and education session on Jan. 28, 2025. Register for the session.
In the works
A new matching tool is underway to integrate more technology and improve CAMP user experience — stay tuned for program updates by signing up for our newsletter.
The Coaching and Mentoring Information and Education Session is supported by the Rural CPD Coaching and Mentoring Program (CAMP): BC rural physicians are eligible to access 35 hours of coaching/mentoring through CAMP. You may connect with a rural or urban coach virtually, in-community or at a higher volume centre. Funding for travel and accommodation is available.
CAMP was developed and is operated by the UBC Faculty of Medicine's Division of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in partnership with the Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc). Funding for CAMP was provided by the Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues, a joint committee of the Doctors of BC and BC Ministry of Health.