We create education grounded in quality improvement and best practices for adult learning.

Cancer Care Education

In partnership with BC Cancer, the Family Practice Oncology Network (FPON), and Ovarian Cancer Canada (OCC), UBC CPD provides a suite of innovative educational offerings and practical resources to support primary care providers in their growing role along the cancer care continuum.
Background & Research
BC Cancer Lung Screening Education
In 2024, the BC Cancer Lung Screening Program identified a need to better support health professionals’ understanding of lung screening eligibility criteria and assessment process.
To address the need to better support primary care providers, BC Cancer and UBC CPD will design and deliver a webinar and online repository with resources on lung screening criteria and assessment. The education will be available to health professionals in British Columbia who refer patients for lung screening.
UBC CPD will deliver a 90-minute online, live and interactive session that can be viewed from a computer or mobile device. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions before and during the sessions.
The webinar will take place in Spring 2025. Sign up for our newsletter for updates and learning opportunities.
Provincial Assessment of Cancer Screening Practice in Primary Care & Cancer Care Outreach Program on Education (CCOPE)
In 2009, BC Cancer partnered with UBC CPD to conduct a needs assessment investigating the current practices, attitudes, and challenges of primary care physicians in the screening for breast, cervical, colorectal, and prostate cancers, as well as the hereditary predisposition to cancer.
Download Provincial Assessment of Cancer Screening Practice in Primary Care Final Report
Findings led to the establishment of Cancer Care Outreach Program on Education (CCOPE), a partnership with the Family Practice Oncology Network (FPON). CCOPE was a comprehensive, certified physician education program aimed at supporting family physicians and other primary care providers in their growing cancer care role through high quality education opportunities.
From 2012-2016 the interactive small-group, case-based workshops reached over 1,200 primary care providers in 90 communities across BC exploring advanced, breast, colorectal, and prostate cancer care. The overall perception of the workshops was extremely positive with approximately 93% of participants rating the workshops as above average or excellent.
Download Cancer Care Outreach Program on Education (CCOPE) 4 Year Report
Cervical Cancer Rescreening Practice in Primary Care
With retention rates for cervical cancer rescreening declining across all age groups and regions in the province of BC, a need was identified to further examine and assess (i) how family physicians remind patients who have normal Pap tests to participate in rescreening for cervical cancer within a three year period, (ii) the facilitators and barriers to engage patients in cervical cancer rescreening, and (iii) current perspectives on existing provincial reminder systems.
In 2013, family physicians and medical office assistants across BC participated in focus groups and interviews, led by UBC CPD. Participants provided feedback that addressed the above areas, with the aim of guiding future strategies for the BC Cancer’s Cervical Cancer Screening Program (CCSP) and informing improvements to existing cervical rescreening processes and reminder systems used in BC primary care settings.
Primary Cancer Care Engagement & Needs Assessment
In 2018, FPON engaged UBC CPD to conduct a second needs assessment to gain a better understanding of the current and ongoing unmet needs of family physicians providing care for patients throughout the continuum of cancer care.
Key findings indicated that family physicians would benefit from a provincial primary care program that:
- Collaborates with key stakeholders;
- Develops and delivers high-quality education and resources; and
- Advocates to bring the voice of primary care to the work of BC Cancer.
Download Primary Cancer Care Engagement & Needs Assessment Final Report
Learning Activities
BC Cancer Primary Care Learning Sessions
Based on the needs identified in the Primary Cancer Care Engagement & Needs Assessment Report, a three phased plan spanning 2019-2023 has been established to redesign and rebrand CCOPE into the BC Cancer Primary Care Learning Sessions.
Through high-quality education opportunities, including a series of online self-directed modules, small-group workshops, and practice improvement resources, we aim to:
- Enhance primary care provider engagement and connection with BC Cancer;
- Clarify roles and promote shared care through enabling relationships between all members of the cancer care team;
- Offer accessible and dynamic learning opportunities that promote evidence-based practice improvement for primary care providers; and
- Guide primary care providers to practical and enduring resources.
Online modules now available!
Breast Cancer Screening in BC online module
BC Cancer’s updated Breast Cancer Screening Policy has an increased emphasis on informed decision making and encourages patients to have discussions with primary care providers. With endorsements from the Screening Mammography Program of BC and content contributions from the Centre for Excellence in Cancer Prevention, UBC CPD offers a certified 60-minute interactive online module outlining the new screening guidelines for breast cancer in BC.
Late Effects of Childhood Cancers online module
In collaboration with BC Cancer, UBC CPD offers a certified 45-minute interactive online module for health care providers working in BC involved in the care of adult patients who are survivors of childhood cancer and are interested in learning more about the late effects of childhood cancer therapy.
FPON Webinars
FPON’s complimentary webinars provide an opportunity for learners to participate in topical, interactive oncology presentations and Q&A from anywhere with Internet access. Webinars are held 8:00-9:00am (PT) the third Thursday of every month and are recorded. Learners may earn additional Mainpro+ credits for recorded webinars through a CFPC Linking Learning to Practice exercise.
For the list of all courses and to register for educational events please go to https://ubccpd.ca/courses