Optimal health for everyone through continuing professional development


Below is a selection of our publications, including conference posters and orals, final reports and journal articles organized by year and program.

Keesey A. Communication Skills to Optimize Patient Care: A Novel CPD Innovation. Poster presentation accepted at BC Patient Safety & Quality Council Quality Forum: 2018 Feb 22-23; Vancouver, BC.
Hill L, Keesey A, Mohapel P. Communication Skills to Optimize Patient Care: A Novel CPD Innovation. Oral presentation accepted at: The Canadian Conference on Medical Education: 2017 Apr 29-May 2; Winnipeg, MB.
Kang H, Khorsandi A, Guillemi S. Expanding HIV Care Networks Across Vancouver Island Using Technology-Enabled Continuing Professional Development. Oral presentation at Center for Health Education Scholarship: 2016 Oct 5; Vancouver, BC.
Grewal G
Collins M, Gustafson R. HIV testing initiative in family practice: Multimodal education to address differing learning styles and stages. Poster presentation at Canadian Conference on Medical Education: 2013 April 20-23; Quebec City, QC.
Kan L, Elwood Martin R, Olatunbosun T, Sware L, Wu C. Primary care physician education and engagement in the promotion of recommended cancer screening in BC: report on province-wide cancer screening needs assessment. Vancouver, BC: UBC CPD; 2010. Submitted to: BC Cancer.

Strategic Plan 2023–2027